“Thoreau’s Materialism and Environmental Justice,” Thoreau at Two Hundred. Kristin Case and K. P. Van Anglen, eds. (London: Cambridge University Press, 2016): 17-30. Print.
“Thoreau and Violence,” The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies. New Series 23 (Summer 2015): 1-5. Print.
“John Clare, Henry David Thoreau, and Walking,” John Clare Society Journal 34 (July 2015): 21-32. Print.
“Race and Nature in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: A Conversation,” Journal of Ecocriticism 5.2 (July 2013). Web.
“Cosmopolitics and the Radical Pastoral: A Conversation with Lawrence Buell, Hsuan Hsu, Anthony Lioi, and Paul Outka,” with Laura Walls. Journal of Ecocriticism 3.2 (July 2011). Web.
“Desert Interventions,” with Roderick Coover, Larry McCaffery, and Hikmet Loe. Accompanied by edited transcripts of interviews with Ken Sleight, Jack Loeffler, and Jim Stiles. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 10.3 (2010). Web.
“A Dialogue about the Desert,” with Roderick Coover, Larry McCaffery, and Hikmet Loe. Electronic Book Review (April 2010). Web.
“Environmental Thought and Action” in The Oxford Handbook to Transcendentalism. Joel Myerson, Laura Dassow Walls, and Sandy Petrulionis, eds. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010): 276-292. Print.
“Global Warming, Globalization, and Environmental Literary History,” Electronic Book Review (May 2009). Web.
“Free Soil and the Abolitionist Forests of Frederick Douglass’s ‘The Heroic Slave,’” American Literature 81.1 (March 2009): 127-152. Print.
“How California State University Faculty United to Win,” Thought and Action (Fall 2008): 35-46. Print.
“A History of Transatlantic Romanticism” in Sullen Fires Across the Atlantic: Essays in Transatlantic Romanticism. Lance Newman, Joel Pace, and Chris Koenig-Woodyard, eds. Praxis Series. (College Park, Md.: Romantic Circles, 2006). Web.
“Nature” in American History through Literature, 1820-1870. Janet Gabler-Hover and Robert Sattelmeyer, eds. (Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006): 788-795. Print.
“Margaret Fuller's Summer on the Lakes and the Condition of America," Romanticism on the Net 38-39 (May-August 2005). Web. Reprinted as “Nature and Capitalism in Margaret Fuller’s Summer on the Lakes” in Nature et progrès: interactions, exclusions, mutations. Pierre Lagayette, ed. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, 2006), 197-217. Print.
“Thoreau’s Materialism: From Walden to Wild Fruits.” Nineteenth Century Prose 32.2 (Fall 2004), 105-137. Print. Reprinted in More Day to Dawn: Thoreau's Walden for a New Century. Laura Dassow Walls and Sandy Petrulionis, eds. (Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 2007), 100-126. Print. Reprinted in Henry David Thoreau, Walden. William Rossi, ed. Norton Critical Edition (New York: Norton, 2007). Print.
“‘Patron of the World’: Henry Thoreau as Wordsworthian Poet.” The Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies. New Series 11 (Winter 2003), 155-172. Print. Reprinted as “Henry Thoreau as Wordsworthian Poet” in Wordsworth in American Literary Culture. James Butler and Joel Pace, eds. (New York: Palgrave, 2005), 121-143. Print. Reprinted in Henry David Thoreau. Harold Bloom, ed. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views (New York: Bloom’s Literary Criticism, 2007), 107-126. Print.
“Thoreau’s Natural Community and Utopian Socialism.” American Literature 75.3 (September 2003), 515-544. Print.
“Marxism and Ecocriticism.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment 9.2 (Summer 2002): 1-25. Print.
“Wordsworth in America and the Nature of Democracy.” New England Quarterly 72.4 (December 1999): 517-38. Print.
“The Politics of Ecocriticism.” Review 20 (1998): 59-72. Print.